'You haaard out totes need to be there'!!
You soooo need to come hang out with us at Betreat - 4 Day Kick Ass Manifesting and Spiritual Retreat 
'21st - 24th October' Kawhia, NZ.


Beautiful Heart!!! My name is Jacqui Be, and I am the Founder of Jacqui Be Intuitive and the Creator and Facilitator of Betreat 2022, 4 Day Kick Ass Manifesting and Spiritual Retreat.

Before learning about Manifesting and before I cultivated a relationship with Spirit, I lived a very limited life and constantly lost the fight against my past pain and the cyclonic effects of negative conditioning. I generally and involuntarily handed my power over to people who were just as f!@#ed up as I was, and used it to elevate themselves. After coming out of a brutal fight with depression, I made a promise to myself and my Son that I would never go down like that again...and I haven't.

I researched, studied, and accessed every single resource I could find to empower myself, which is when I came across Bob Proctor, Nikola Tesla, Eckhart Tolle, and Teal Swan, to begin with. The revelation that 'Everything Is Energy',  catapulted me out of Ego's grip Ego and quite literally transformed my life. As my relationship with The Universe matured I also acquired the confidence to listen to my intuition, eventually uncovering my ability to download and translate messages from Spirit.

These days I stand fiercely and confidently as an Intuitive, a Light Worker, and Manifesting Mentor, Reading for and Aligning people all over the world, and this October, I am holding space for 44 Super Powerful Souls, face to face, who too want to step into their power, accurately and efficiently Manifest their desires, and live a profoundly connected, joyful and fulfilling life.

Betreat is a 4 Day Event, where I will be sharing all that know about Manifesting and teaching you how to cultivate your own relationship with Spirit.

Here's what you can expect at Betreat...
Betreat 2022, 21st & 24th Oct, Kawhia, NZ
  • The 5 Step Manifesting Formula 'Indepth' - My proven Manifesting Formula that empowered me to write and publish my Autobiography 'Just Do You', manifest 20k from a source I never expected, my dream car, a full staff (Team Be) to assist me with all things Jacqui Be, and my miracle baby girl, all within a 6 month period, like actually!!!! ...and I haven't shared my most recent Manifestations eg losing 15kgs, doubling my social media, television show, financial flow in abundance, loving relationships, deeper relationships with my children, and a beautiful, unconditional, constant loving relationship with my Spirit Guides who have and are continuing to transform and elevate my life
  • Identify what is most important to you in your life, and learning how to stay true to those things.
  • Identify Blocks and Limiting Beliefs that aren't aligned with your Goals, and learn how to release them.
  • Living a more carefree and confident life regardless of what has happened or will happen For You!
  • Connect with Spirit and cultivate a loving relationship with your higher self and guides that will be your confidants, compass, and love, health, and wealth team moving forward
  • Powerful Rituals and Meditaitons that enhance your connection with Source, Manifestations, and Alignment with all you desire, while releasing what no longer serves you
  • Activate your Lightbody Grid and become more aware of what exists and what we are truly capable of
  • ​...And sooooo much more
Learn more about the 5 Steps here... 
'I manifested everything I wanted, not because everything changed, but because I DID'! - Jacqui Be
...more about connecting with Spirit
  • Learn how to connect with Spirit and utilize different modalities to Kick Ass your Manifesting and bring your life into Free Flow using Crystals, Essential Oils, Journaling, etc.
  • Learn how to activate your intuition using Meditation and Oracle Cards 
  • Identify Tailored Daily Rituals that Raise your Vibration and align you with positive and desired outcomes, motivating you to stay focused and moving toward your Goals
"Reprogramming negative conditioning is about identifying what is getting in the way of your goals, and literally swapping it out for beliefs that Super Charge you toward that potential" - Jacqui Be

Who is Betreat for?

Over the past 10 Years of Coaching and Mentoring, I know exactly the types of people who get the most out of what I do. So if you fit into 1 or more of the following, I guarantee you will get shit loads out of Betreat...
  • People who are done with bullshit beliefs e.g. I am not good enough, I'll never get what I want, I am shit at Manifesting, etc.
  • People who are sooo over living in the Anxiety, Depression, Shit Storm
  • People who are ready to smash out their crippling conditioning e.g. People pleasing, Abandonment Issues, Codependency, Self Sabotage Cycles, etc.
  • People who 'just want to know how Manifesting Works', instead of being pulled from one 'teacher' to another, and never getting where they want to go 
  • ​People who want to live an even more carefree, fun and fulfilling life
  • People who want to Raise their Vibration and be surrounded by others who are likeminded
  • ​People who want to connect more with Spirit and learn to trust their intuition more
  • People who want to have a healthier relationship with Money, their Loved Ones, and themselves  
The above is not just a list of things I rattled off to entice you into Betreat. The above is literally a list of things that not only I have achieved using these teachings, but also what 1000's of others have achieved too...and to back myself, there is a 100% Money Back Guarantee...No questions asked ;)

What you'll takeaway from Betreat?

  • You'll feel lighter, freer, and more powerful, knowing that you've got the Strongest Power In The Universe on your team
  •  You'll have more confidence to be your Authentic Self and Walk In Your Truth
  • You'll Know EXACTLY what you need to do to stay in Alignment with your Goals
  • You'll feel excited and more zest for living your best life
  • You'll be more acquainted with your Spirit Guides and feel safe knowing you can rely on them when then shit goes down
  • You'll have a list of Rituals and Modalities that help keep your Vibration High, offer you deeper insight, and Align you with some serious Kick Ass
  • ​You'll be more energized, inspired, and motivated to co create more of what you feel called to
  • You'll know what and who is good and not good for you
  • ​....and so so soooooo much more

What would you expect to pay 
for a Retreat like THIS!?

Retreats just like this usually cost from $1500 up to $8000 and truly, often soooo much more. I have run truckloads of Workshops, Seminars, and Speaking Events over my 10 years of following my calling, so I KNOW Betreat will change you!
....and if it doesn't, I'll give you your money back!!!

You'll get everything you have read here for the insane investment of ONLY $695

***includes dorm style accommodation and main meals

But I ain't even close to being done...

Every person that purchases a ticket will also get a Tailored Alignment Toolkit, valued at $100rrp, Blessed By Me! 
Betreat will only come around once a year, so please don't wait another precious year of your life, to live your best life! 
Start now, with me, TODAY!
30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee!
Grab your space at Betreat for ONLY $695 and get a FREE Tailored Alignment Toolkit worth $100rrp
Jacqui Be Intuitive @ 2021 - jacqui@jacquibe.com
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